Wednesday, July 20, 2011

USAA vs. Bank of America (Military Banking)

First off I am a active duty member of the United States Air Force, and before I waste my time and yours telling why you should'nt choose Bank of America let me just tell you about my Bank of America experience. I went to basic training a little over a year ago and being young and the military being my first job I didn't have a active checking account so my recruiter told me not to worry that they would automatically set me up a bank account and sure enough he was right little did I know it would be a mistake on my part. I've always documented every dime that I spend and every single time that I got paid while I was in BMT I always came up at least $8 short. Why? Ill bell you why because the pull from your check in small increments so the think you won't realize it. So I decided to call them up on the issue but I never got a straight answer as to why my money was being to "stolen". The bottom line is that is you are a active duty, reserve, or guard I would strongly advise that you switch to USAA if you are be scammed by Bank of America.

USSA benefits (that BA dont have):

  • Free ATM Withdrawals
  • Thousands of Share Branches Nation-wide 
  • Interest on Account Balance of $1000 or more 
  • Friendly Support Staff 
  • Very Understanding to Military Members 
Just to name a few... "USSA hands down"

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